What is the best indicator of success
What do you guys think? Talent? Intelligence? Hard Work? What about passion or discipline? No doubt these are all important traits that one must possess in order to be accomplished in their respective field, but there is something else that plays a more significant role in determining whether one will, or will not succeed: MOTIVATION. Angela Duckworth calls it GRIT, Daniel H Pink calls it DRIVE, you may call it perseverance or even persistence. Motivation is absolutely essential to your success.
There are 3 key elements to motivation according to author Daniel H. Pink, who also refers to it as drive:
#1. Autonomy - the extent to which you are free to self-direct your own life and well being. In otherwards, being and feeling in control of your own life.
#2. Mastery - the process of developing and achieving a high level of competency in a challenging skill or subject. Continuous learning and growing elevates your motivation level.
#3. Purpose - to have a deeper reason or sense of direction for your own existence. These reasons must be intrinsic in nature for long lasting motivation.
If you have some more time to invest, I suggest giving DRIVE by Daniel H. Pink a read, or listen to it on audiobook. An excellent book that has made me look at motivation in a different light.
Here's a fantastic video summary: